Animal takeover

Since our kind has to stay at home, it's time for other species to flourish and discover the human world.


In the deserted streets of Llandudno, north Wales, a herd of goats has taken over. On March 27th, they even kept the social distance rule of 1.5m amongst themselves but unfortunately, that didn't last long.


After years of waiting, these sheep were thrilled to finally try McDonalds. After trying every door, they concluded it must be closed and sheepishly fled the scene.

Photo by Andrew Thomas
Photo by Andrew Thomas


Meanwhile, a pair of geese and their goslings are trying to catch a plane in Ben Gurion Airport, Israel, happy to not use their own wings for once. Only to find out later all flights are cancelled :(



In China, some elephants were looking for a party but couldn't find any since everything was in lockdown. They decided to take matter into own trunks. In their search they came across a field where they found and drained some vats of corn wine. Two of them drank so much they passed out in a tea garden...

#FAKENEWS! (still cute though): The pictures are endearing, but the quarantine isn't the cause of these meandering pachyderms! The presence of elephants isn't out of norm in the Yunnan Province. And did they really get drunk? Probably not. (But it's fun to think they did!)


As the waterways in Venice became quiet, marine life reclaimed the water for their own. A jellyfish took its chance to take a stroll through the streets of Venice. Makes you jellous, doesn't it?

Andrea Mangoni via REUTERS
Andrea Mangoni via REUTERS


Since the beaches are deserted, turtles are left free to lay their eggs in peace. In Thailand, the number of nests (and eggs) of the leatherback turtle is the highest recorded in over two decades.


Not-so-great months for our kind, amazing months for other fauna!

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